Show HN: Storex – A modular and portable database abstraction for JavaScript
45 by Blahah | 17 comments on Hacker News.
We'd like to show you Storex, a database abstraction layer that allows you to move your database interaction code between client- and server-side. By surrounding it with modular, recombinable packages for common problems such as schema migrations, it's possible to re-use logic touching the database across a wide variety of databases, allowing you to develop your code entirely in-browser in your daily development workflow, and then move your database to PostgreSQL/MySQL back-end once you're ready. Storex was designed modularly enough to easily be adapted to mBaaS like Firebase, which is coming up soon. Right now it's being used in WorldBrain's Memex ( to provide you with a client-side full-text searchable database of every page you've seen online and your annotations on them (up to 5GB of data for some of our users.) We'd appreciate your thoughts very much, and don't hesitate to get involved! More info:
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